We know that libertarians love individualism, but we'd love it if you would voluntarily choose to associate with us for the purpose of spreading the message of liberty.
How can you help? I'm glad you asked because there are a lot of ways. We can't name them all but here are a few ideas:
Sign-up here to be a volunteer. We would love to work with you to host a meet-up, organize a fundraiser, help recruit new members, or campaign for a candidate. If you're a writer, you can submit op-ed articles to area publications. You can also write blog articles to post on LPNevada.org. If you have an idea, we'd love to hear it.
It also takes a lot of effort to maintain the organization. Posting content to social media, organizing events, maintaining the web site, etc., are all things that take considerable amounts of time, especially if only managed by a handful of people. If you totally dig being involved in the administrative side of things, let us know.
Serve on the LPWC Executive Committee. Elections for the Executive Committee are held during odd-year conventions (2023, 2025, etc.). Positions include the following: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-Large Representative. According to our bylaws, you can serve on the Executive Committee if you are a "dues-paying member of the LP of Washoe County." Dues-paying members are registered to vote as Libertarians and have paid $25 to the party within the past 365 days. This includes "members of the Libertarian Party of Nevada registered to vote in the counties of Carson City, Storey, Douglas, Lyon, and Churchill." Since Douglas now has an affiliate, members in this county would be the exception.
You can review the bylaws for more information about what is expected from members of the LPWC Executive Committee.
Share the love on social media. If you're on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc., engage in discussions that help promote libertarian ideas.
And if you just don't have time but you're sitting on a big pile of crypto gains, we always appreciate donations.